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Launching Our Marine Permaculture Initiative

Kumano Shindo is proud to announce the appointment of Brian Von Herzen, Ph.D. to our advisory board. Dr. Von Herzen is founder and executive director of the Climate Foundation, which regenerates life in the ocean using Marine Permaculture technology. He graduated from Princeton University (physics, magna cum laude) and California Institute of Technology (Ph.D., planetary science, Hertz Fellowship), and has developed system solutions for Intel, Disney, Pixar, Microsoft, HP, and Dolby.

Through our relationship with Brian, we look forward to collaborating with the The Climate Foundation in our satoumi restoration project in Kumano, and future project work in Hokkaido. The Climate Foundation is a non-profit with an interdisciplinary team comprised of a team of scientists, engineers, professors, logistic analysts, post docs, and graduate students, dedicated to reversing global warming in our lifetime.

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